Vya’s Marketing Resource Management System: Advance Your Marketing and Go Further

Vya’s Marketing Resource Management System Powered by Vya Data

Experience the impact of a data-powered solution that delivers your marketing resources to the frontlines of your organization, enabling your marketing initiatives to be more effective, more efficient, and more actionable.

Vya’s Marketing Resource Management System Powered by Vya Data

Experience the impact of a data-powered solution that delivers your marketing resources to the frontlines of your organization, enabling your marketing initiatives to be more effective, more efficient, and more actionable.

Explore the Vya System:

User Features

Simplify Local Marketing Activities

Your frontlines are so busy, marketing is likely the last thing on their minds. Make marketing easier for them with a user-friendly, one-stop shop where they can easily access brand-compliant, customizable marketing materials and marketing campaigns.

Marketing Asset Management

Provide a branded “online shopping” experience for ordering materials. Assets made available only to specified users or groups. Provide marketing collateral, digital assets, logos, videos, images or any files in real time.

Customizable Materials

Enable users to customize templated materials while ensuring brand compliance. Fields can be auto-populated with data from user profiles or location profiles. Materials can be co-branded as appropriate.

Creative Requests

Enable users to request changes to existing materials or request new materials through the platform.

Lighbox & Image Library

Provide users with pre-approved downloadable images and enable users to upload and store images which can be auto-populated on materials.

Payment Flexibility

Provide users with the option to pay by credit card, use budgeted funds or allocate to a cost center. Available payment options can vary by user and/or items being ordered.

On-Demand Campaigns

Provide assets for executing customizable marketing campaigns on-demand.

Subscription Campaigns

Enable users to subscribe to participate in scheduled customizable marketing campaigns.

Contact Management

Users can build dynamic or static target lists from existing contact & customer records.

List Purchasing

Users can purchase multi-use, targeted contact lists.

Targeted Marketing

Enable users to customize materials designed to resonate with specific target profiles.

Unlock local relevance.

By applying the data in local users’ profiles, customization of marketing materials is easy and accurate, as variable fields are auto-filled with the correct information. In addition, frontlines are enabled to act upon data intelligence and implement targeted marketing initiatives.

Asset Types

Manage A Wide Variety of Marketing Materials

Deploy a marketing resource management solution that makes it easier for your teams to organize, customize, print, ship and distribute the most relevant and meaningful marketing and brand messaging.

Support & Training

Supplement your Marketing Team with High-Touch Support

Our dedicated team is here for you throughout this journey – from implementation and training to design services, system management and more. We promise to support you every step of the way as you advance your distributed marketing to the next level.


Vya’s Implementation Manager manages your launch through our proven project management process: prepare, build and configure, validate and go live.

Account Coordination

Upon launch, you are provided with an assigned Vya Account Coordinator who acts as an extension of your marketing team, managing the various functions supporting your business and acting as your single-point-of-contact.

System Management

Led by your account coordinator, Vya manages your system on your behalf: uploading assets, templatizing variable pieces, performing quality checks, managing user profiles, etc.

User Training & Support

Our support team gets to know your business and provides support via phone, email and live chat. We conduct training webinars for both users and administrators and provide a custom branded help center.

Design Services

Design services and creative development can be provided by your internal team, your agency, or Vya’s designers based on your brand guidelines.

Setting you up for success.

Vya will help you manage and apply user and location profile data. Local-level targeted marketing is simplified with templated marketing assets configured specifically to your target profiles.

Setting you up for success.

Vya will help you manage and apply user and location profile data. Local-level targeted marketing is simplified with templated marketing assets configured specifically to your target profiles.

Admin Features

Streamline & Scale Your Marketing Operations Processes

Automating key marketing processes increases the effectiveness and efficiency of your marketing operations. Freed from low-impact tasks, your marketing department will enjoy more time for strategic planning.

Approval Workflows

Customized pieces and requests can be automatically routed through workflows for review and approval.

Global Fields

Auto-update information across all affected assets by revising them once in a single global field. Example applications include disclosures and interest rates.

Location Profile Managment

Extensive data for each location is captured as well as structural details (ie hours, product pricing, number of windows). The data can be auto-populated on templated items and/or order quantities can be auto-populated.

Auto-Order Placement

Materials, kits or campaigns that are required for multiple locations are automatically ordered on their behalf. Users receive order tracking information. Item quantities can be automatically determined based on location profile data. Vya can produce, assemble, and fulfill the kits.

Multi-Brand Management

Manage materials for multiple brands in one place and enable simplified co-branded marketing.

Inventory Management

View inventory counts and transaction history by SKU. Inventory levels kept current in real-time and quantities are monitored via thresholds.

Campaign Response Tracking

Response data from multiple sources (internal, Vya, third party, etc) are cleansed and aggregated and displayed graphically on dashboards


Standard or custom reporting options allow you to track usage, spend, asset downloads, campaigns, etc. Pull reports as needed or subscribe for reports to be automatically emailed.

Make every aspect of the process smarter.

Your marketing organization will experience the advantages of applying data to automate processes and uncover more insights for managing marketing investments.

Get a Free Demo

Move forward with advancing your marketing.

Request a free demo of our system today or give our team a call at 800.426.7921 or sales@vyasystems.com to learn more about our system, print and campaign execution services.