The State of QR Codes in 2011 – Part 2

qr code2011 saw exciting growth in U.S. QR code adoption. Building on the information we compiled in part 1 of this series, below you will find key QR code statistics summarized as well as key takeaways from the observed trends.

QR Code Awareness and Adoption

Recognition still lags awareness, and not everyone knows a QR code by its proper name, according to a January 2012 Consumer Pulse Report released by Chadwick Martin Bailey. Here’s what you need to know.

  • 79% of Internet users surveyed didn’t recognize the terms “QR Code” or “Quick Response” code, though most surveyed recognized a QR code when shown one.
  • 50% of smartphone users have scanned a QR code.
  • Discounts and gifts pique interest in QR codes, even among those who’ve never scanned.

Perhaps even more enticing is why smartphone users scanned QR codes and what they did after the scan.

Why they scanned

After the scan

  • 46% of smartphone users scanned QR codes out of curiosity
  • 41% of smartphone users scanned QR codes to get more information (company, product, deal, event)
  • 18% of smartphone users scanned QR codes to take advantage of a discount, coupon or free gift

Nearly 1 out of 5 users (18%) made a purchase after scanning a QR code

QR Demographics: Who’s scanning them and where

Source: Excerpts from comScore June 2011 Study (n=14.45 MM)









Age group








  • 53.4% of QR scanners were ages 18 to 34
  • 36.1% (more than 1 in 3) of QR scanners had an annual household income of $100,000 or above
  • Men were 25% more likely than the average mobile user to scan QR codes, representing 60.5% of the scanning audience
  • Users most frequently scanned codes found in newspapers/magazines and on product packaging and scanned predominately while at home or in a store

QR Insights Applied

  • With users most likely to scan QR codes while at home or in a store, QR codes can be distributed via advertisement or point-of-sale or included on product packaging as a part of your promotions strategy.
  • With 41% of users scanning QR codes to get more information, consider including QR codes in your product strategy to link to product reviews, manuals, warranty registration or opt-into feedback and loyalty programs.
  • With 18% of smartphone users scanning to take advantage of a discount, coupon or free gift, consider offering discounts and incentives through QR scans as a part of your pricing and discount strategy.

Concluding thoughts

The latest studies regarding QR code awareness, adoption, and scanning behavior provide tactical insights for integrating QR codes into your marketing promotions strategies. QR codes continue to be scanned to solicit more information and to take advantage of a discount, coupon or free gift. But with 46% of scans originating out of curiosity, marketers will need to be increasingly intentional about offering a compelling reason for consumers to scan QR codes in the future and be mindful of the demographic segments most likely to scan a QR code.

We hope you have found our two-part series recapping the State of QR Codes in 2011 to be helpful in guiding your application of QR codes within your marketing strategy. How will you use QR codes in your marketing plan to deliver value to your customers and prospects?

Tags: QR Codes

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