Calm, cool and collected: The importance of relaxing at work

relaxingIf you’re reading this at work right now, stop. Take a deep breath. Roll your shoulders back and straighten up in your seat. Now proceed.

Feel slightly better?

A growing body of research shows that the way most of us work…well, isn’t working. We sit too much at our computers, we’re overwhelmed with information, and our stress levels are nearing sky-high proportions.

At Vya, we’ve built a brand and culture around delivering simplification and less stress to our clients. That’s more than just a positioning statement, or a sales pitch for marketing resource management. It’s something we truly and deeply believe, because we see simplification helping our coworkers and clients every day.

We do work hard to help make our clients’ jobs a little easier, a little more productive, and a lot more impactful. But, that doesn’t have to come just through technology. The best ways to relax at work are, of course, the simplest.

1. Easy does it.

Research shows we don’t make good decisions when we’re stressed. Adrenaline can be helpful in small doses, but a less-stressed mindset is better over the long run. Think about how you can cultivate more “zen” in your day. Is it taking a quick walk? Having a chat with a co-worker? You might need a few exercises to pump you up, or a quiet moment with a meditation app to find calm and refocus. Whatever it is, find what helps you reduce stress and commit the time to it. It will pay off in productivity.

2. It’s great to automate.

Don’t waste brainpower on tasks that don’t require it. Workplace simplification experts suggest developing routines for small tasks like managing phone calls, filing and saving documents, and coming up with a clear plan and schedule to respond to email. On a larger scale, identify the time-eating processes you take part in where it makes sense to instill routine and automation. You’ll free up space in your day and in your mind for tasks that demand real thinking.

3. Know when to call for help.

Even when you’re working at peak performance, you can’t always do it all alone. You can often save time and significant budget by calling in reinforcements. Whether that’s checking in with a co-worker when you’re stuck on a problem, or sourcing a partner to help you find efficiencies, it’s often quicker than wasting time trying to fix everything yourself.

Let’s take one more deep breath before moving on. How will you find a little more simplicity at work today? Share your relaxation tips with us @vya_systems.

Tags: marketing resource management, Vya, Simplifying, relaxing at work, general

Picture of Terry Brokamp

Terry Brokamp


Learn how Vya can help simplify local marketing through our marketing resource management systems, campaign execution services, and print expertise.